Breast Feeding Buying Guide

A baby bottle with a breastfeeding pump attached to it sitting on a wooden dresser next to a basket and diapers.

Breastfeeding Products For Sale

in Mesa & Sun City, AZ

Having a newborn baby presents many lifestyle changes to a new mom. Whether mom can stay home with the baby for a prolonged period or has to head back to work or school soon, being able to pump breast milk offers greater flexibility for keeping the baby nourished.

Here’s some info on pumping breast milk and the equipment you’ll need to do it. We welcome your questions at Southwest Mobility. Our experienced staff at our two locations in Mesa and Sun City, near Phoenix, Arizona will be happy to help you.

Why Pump Breast Milk

Even when you’re able to stick to a feeding schedule and your baby is nursing well, your breast pump can come in handy in many different situations. You can pump so that a babysitter or partner can share in the feeding responsibilities when you’re away or occupied. Many partners value this bonding time. You can also keep a reserve of breast milk in the freezer for the baby to eat later. Some moms have so much milk that they’re able to donate the surplus to moms who are deficient.

A mother wrapped in a flannel robe snuggling her swaddled baby in her recliner chair with breast pumps next to her

Routine pumping also helps keep the flow going. If you spend long periods of time away from your baby, pumping milk during this time ensures that you keep producing milk at a sufficient rate.

Types of Breast Pumps

Both manual and electric breast pumps are available, and electric pumps are available in single or dual models. Some models can be powered by both batteries or A/C current, plugged into the walls. As you shop, you’ll notice various features such as reminder alarms, carrying bags, LCD screens, varying speed, suction control, and more. Your choice may depend on where you expect to do most of your pumping, whether that’s at home, at work, or at school. In addition to your pump, you’ll need other items such as spare bottles or containers, and access to a fridge or cooler.

Insurance Coverage for Breast Pumps

You can often get insurance to cover a breast pump. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all health insurance companies are required to offer this coverage for nursing mothers. Check with your provider and your sales contact at Southwest Mobility to confirm your coverage. Our team will help you evaluate your best option based on your policy. Click here for the insurance companies we work with at Southwest Mobility.

We wish you every success in your breastfeeding journey with your little one. Please reach out to the knowledgeable team at Southwest Mobility if you have any questions. We’ve got locations in Mesa and Sun City, near Phoenix, Arizona.